Abandoned Service Station            Abandoned Service Station

Abandoned Service Station

Site Description 

Former retail gasoline service station. Site currently vacant and abandoned.


Gasoline, BTEX, MTBE

Primary Receptor

Offsite potable wells, indoor air, and utility construction area

Trigger Event

Unknown source investigation conducted by DEP detected contaminated soil and groundwater across the street from the site. Indoor air samples revealed elevated levels of gasoline compounds in a basement.

Extent of Impact

High vapor concentrations have been detected approximately 200 feet downgradient (Southwest) of the site.

System Description

Bike Shop:

  • SVE/Air Sparge System with VAC50 Thermal Oxidizer off-gas treatment.
  • System includes 30 soil vapor extraction wells and 28 sparge wells.

Service Station:

  • SVE/Sparge System with electric catalytic oxidizer off-gas treatment.
  • System includes 14 soil vapor extraction wells and 18 sparge wells.

System Goals

Remove residual hydrocarbons from the unsaturated zone and remove BTEX and MTBE in the
shallow water table aquifier.