Historically speaking, approaches to contaminated site closure in Florida have typically not been adequate in their incorporation of sustainability concepts. Numerous opportunities to improve the environments, communities and economies in which site cleanups take place have long been overlooked. However, newly developed green remediation metrics, along with an increased awareness of sustainability concepts, make it possible to measure the benefits of alleged green remediation strategies in relation to overall environmental and economic impacts.
What is Green Remediation?
There are numerous ways to reduce the impact a cleanup project has on the surrounding environments, communities and economies. Many state and federal programs have begun to examine opportunities for improvement and look for ways they can incorporate these practices into their cleanups. The process of reducing the environmental footprint of a remediation project is known as “green remediation.”
Best Management Practices
Utilizing environmental best management practices (BMPs) during a cleanup project can lessen the chances of impacts extending beyond the boundaries of the site. As these practices continue to evolve, they incorporate more and more new technologies that can be adapted to increase the sustainability of cleanup activities. Green remediation BMPs are designed to address 6 specific areas:
- Excavation Planning
- Energy Requirements
- Air Emissions
- Impacts on Water and Land
- Waste Generation
Hiring a Compliance Partner
The world of environmental compliance is full of regulations that will change based on state and federal law. In order to have success with your remediation project, you will want to hire a consultant who knows the different rules and regulations and is able to create a solution for your unique situation.
Handex designs, creates and implements cost-effective green remediation strategies that are proven to work in the field. No matter the scale of your project, our comprehensive consulting services are customized to meet your specific needs. You can learn more by clicking the button below and downloading our whitepaper, Green Remediation: How to Reduce the Footprint of Your Site Cleanup.