Our new project profile discusses remediation work on a former retail gasoline station. Below is a short summary of the project, the full description has been shared on the Project Profile section of our website.
What We Did
Handex provided remediation services to a former retail gasoline station located in St. Petersburg, FL. This project originally came in as a Low Score Site Initiative (LSSI) site. Under LSSI, the state of Florida funds limited assessment activities, however this project required further remediation to achieve closure. To close the site, Handex removed the original and installed a new canopy, excavated and removed soil, and performed in-situ aerobic bioremediation.
One of the coolest parts about this project was the use of Oxygen Release Compound Advanced (ORC-A) to perform in-situ aerobic bioremediation. When it comes in contact with groundwater, ORC-A hydrates and releases oxygen over a period of time, allowing aerobic microbes to biodegrade the contaminants at rates up to 10 to 100 times faster than naturally occuring rates.
Check out the full project profile to read details on the remediation and learn about the safety challenges that were encountered.