Vapor intrusion is the migration of petroleum or chemical vapors from below ground into overlying buildings creating a health hazard for building occupants. Our environmental solutions are not confined to only industrial or petroleum facilities, but can also extend to commercial and residential buildings which may be a significant distance from the source of contamination.
Affected residents, industry leaders and regulators are well aware of the risks associated with vapor intrusion. Swift action is necessary to identify and address these issues, particularly at “sensitive receptor” sites such as day care centers and schools. Safe indoor air quality is an important component for a healthy and productive living and working environment. We provide the following indoor air quality and vapor intrusion services for your business, residential or commercial properties.
At Handex, we have the expertise to help you understand if your facility, building or residence is at risk. We provide reliable solutions that will allow you to fully comply with recent regulatory changes and keep occupants healthy and safe, including 24/7 air monitoring programs. We test for, evaluate and mitigate vapor intrusion quickly and cost-effectively. Our scientists and engineers have years of experience conducting vapor intrusion risk assessments and investigations. If we find a problem, we can design and install immediate response measures and permanent solutions.
The first step to completing any project is getting started. Request a free consultation today with one of our specialists to help evaluate your environmental needs, have any of your questions answered and get on the path to identifying an appropriate solution.
Handex Consulting & Remediation, LLC
2211 Lee Road, Suite 110
Winter Park, FL 32789
Phone: (321) 441-9801
Fax: (321) 594-2710
Email Us